Journal Writing for Personal Growth


Course Code: WJPG-fa24 Categories: , Tags: ,


Through journal writing about your personal experiences, you can gain insight about yourself, and catalyze both inner and outer change. In this class on Zoom, guided by an experienced transformational counselor and author, you will engage in a variety of inspiring writing exercises which you can shape into any form you choose and optionally share in a supportive environment. Weekly themes will be chosen by students from such possibilities as: revisiting peak experiences, asking the right questions, confronting personal challenges, envisioning the future, writing unsent letters, and clarifying life lessons learned.

Tracy Marks, M.A. is author of four books, translated into nine languages, and has won several poetry and creative writing awards. She is also an experienced counselor. Tracy has taught in continuing ed for 43 years and specializes in literature, creative writing and personal growth courses.

Start Date: 11/12/2024, 4 meetings
Class Time: 6:45 PM - 8:45 PM
Day of Week: Tuesday
Location: Zoom
Instructor: Tracy Marks
Status: Running/Openings