Art Animation (July 7 – July 11)


This class is currently full. Please make a second choice for this week and use the wait list form to be added to the wait list. We will notify you if a spot becomes available. You will not be charged a switch fee if your child moves to their first choice class.

Course Code: 2FLIP Category:
Grade(s): 4-5
Week: 2
Class Dates: 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025
Class Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Hastings
Instructor: Fegens Didie
Status: Running/Openings
Tuition: $425


Making art come to life involves an understanding of optics, technology, aesthetic, and artistic technique. This week we will engage in hands-on activities to explore the world of art animation. Throughout the week, you will learn all about different animation techniques by practicing digital art, designing flip books and even creating a stop-motion animation piece. By the end of the week, you will be ready to continue being an inspired and experienced animation artist.

Fegens Didie is an art teacher at the Linden STEM Academy in Malden.