Que Delicioso! (July 28 – August 1)


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Course Code: 5DELI Category:
Grade(s): 4-5
Week: 5
Class Dates: 07/28/2025 - 08/01/2025
Class Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Hastings
Instructor: Angelica Fajardo
Status: Running/Openings
Tuition: $425


¿Tres leches? ¿Arroz con leche? ¿Salpicon de frutas? ¿Llapingachos? – iQué delicioso! Learn how to make traditional and authentic dishes from different Spanish speaking countries while discovering the culture and history behind each dish! We will also learn Spanish along the way and bring home a recipe book so families can cocinar juntos! At the end of the week, we will be the profesores and “junior chefs” and teach about the dishes we have made! *Please note any food allergies or dietary restrictions upon registration. An ingredient list will be provided and all cooking equipment will be handled by the instructor.

Angelica Farjado-Flores is a Spanish teacher at Diamond.