Space Art (July 8-12)


This class is currently full. Please make a second choice for this week and use the wait list form to be added to the wait list. We will notify you if a spot becomes available. You will not be charged a switch fee if your child moves to their first choice class.

Course Code: 2SART Category:
Grade(s): 2-3
Week: 2
Class Dates: 07/08/2024 - 07/12/2024
Class Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Harrington
Instructor: Fegens Didie
Status: Running/Openings
Tuition: $425


Come join us in an exciting week of learning about the vastness of space beyond Earth. Our knowledge and wonder about outer space is filled with increasing curiosity and colorful creativity around what could be, and this class is a perfect way to become exploratory astronauts through the arts. We will travel through the shapes, colors and dimensions of space by watching short, age appropriate films about space, listening to read-alouds, and creating all kinds of out-of-this-world art! Each day we will focus on exploring all things space from planets, galaxies, and rockets, and even to UFOs and aliens. Come join us as we explore SPACE.

Fegens Didie is an art teacher at the Linden STEM Academy in Malden.