Yard Game Boot Camp (July 1-3)


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Course Code: 1YARD Category:
Grade(s): 6-7
Week: 1
Class Dates: 07/01/2024 - 07/03/2024
Class Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Harrington
Instructor: Harold Wilde
Status: Running/Openings
Tuition: $255


The Fourth of July is right around the corner! All across America, friends and families will be playing yard games as they gather, so get ready for all the competitive outdoor fun in this boot camp! We’ll practice the games you know and love, and there might be brand new games you’ve never heard of before. Some of the games we will explore may include bocce, cornhole, washers, badminton, Viking chess, Spikeball, ladderball, and Kan Jam. We will learn the rules of the games, how to modify those rules for different situations, effective techniques, how to keep score, and how to set up tournaments. Although some competitive juices will definitely be flowing, we welcome those of all abilities and personalities who will find this course enjoyable and informative.

Harold Wilde is a fourth grade teacher at Fiske.