Weaving Magic (August 5-9)


This class is currently full. Please make a second choice for this week and use the wait list form to be added to the wait list. We will notify you if a spot becomes available. You will not be charged a switch fee if your child moves to their first choice class.

Course Code: 6WEAVE Category:
Grade(s): 6-9
Week: 6
Class Dates: 08/05/2024 - 08/09/2024
Class Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Harrington
Instructor: Beth Guertin
Status: Running/Openings
Tuition: $450


Explore the wonderful world of weaving using different looms! First, we’ll use the Schacht Cricket rigid heddle loom to weave a cotton scarf. We will design a stripe warp using different colored cotton yarns, then thread the loom and weave the scarf. For the second rigid heddle loom project you will have the choice of weaving a pillow, a cotton scarf, felted coasters, or a felted purse (project to be chosen in collaboration with the instructor and based on time and interest), or working on the other projects available in the classroom: potholder looms, band looms, bead looms, cardboard looms and “baskets”. You will work at your own pace and will choose which projects you want to complete; some will complete more projects than others. Students must be able to tie an overhand knot. Parents will email the instructor with color choices for the students’ scarf before the class.

Beth Guertin has been a weaver for over 30 years and teaches at her studio, A Place to Weave.