It is a great honor to once again feature the vision, craft and artistry of sculptor Meredith Bergmann on our autumn 2024 cover. Her “Something is Being Done” monument is a work of genius on many levels. And while the vision was gathered and brought to form through the heart, mind and hands of the artist, it made its way first through the brilliant women of the LexSeeHer organization. LexSeeHer recognized the need and remembered the names, actions and stories of twenty-four bold Lexington women who, when faced with injustice or seemingly insurmountable obstacles, determined that “Something Must Be Done.” Powerful in its size, scope and material and in its brilliant, gentle blend in harmony with its natural surroundings, the monument informs, honors and inspires, bridging time from Abigail Harrington to Janet Haas. In addition to honoring the women represented, “Something Is Being Done” asks us to consider what must be done in our own lives to continue to make things better. In many ways the process of community education follows a trajectory similar to sculpture. First by recognizing a desire or need, and then by choosing a direction that seems fitting to meet it, we as students do the challenging, healthy and ultimately rewarding work of dedicating time to study. Sculpting the stuff of the mind, trusting the process, and intentionally scripting and narrating the story of our own lives, we shape the masterwork of self in relation to the world around us.

Craig Hall, Director

Lexington Community Education

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