Rapid Recall – Memory Mastery for Business Success


Course Code: MMRR-sp24 Categories: , , Tags: ,


Gain the ultimate edge in your business with a super memory for: names, people facts, product or service information, lists and presentations, anything it will help you to know. You have two kinds of memories, your natural and your trained memory. Let’s build your trained memory, whose two principles are: pictures are easier to remember than words, and silly pictures are easier to remember than serious ones. Learn to use both of these two principles and you will have a super memory.

Neil Kutzen is the most prominent and successful memory trainer in New England. To learn more about him and the training, go to www.memorizebest.com.

Start Date: 4/25/2024, 1 meeting
Class Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Day of Week: Thursday
Location: Lexington High School, Room 226
Instructor: Neil Kutzen
Status: Running/Openings