Basic Images of Chinese Brush Painting


Course Code: APAR-fa24 Categories: , Tag:


We shall begin the class with a short practice of Chinese calligraphy which forms the basis of Chinese brush painting.  We shall explore brush methods for the Four Gentlemen: the Plum 梅, the Orchid 蘭, the Bamboo 竹, and the Chrysanthemum 菊, which represent the four different Confucian virtues.  Students are expected to study these plants through power-point presentations, to watch demonstrations by the teacher, to experiment brush techniques, and to do homework for completing a painting of each plant each week. The studio lessons will be enhanced by discussions on Chinese painting theory and philosophy.

Painting supplies for new students:  Order from:  Oriental Art Supply:

(It takes about 5 days for the products to arrive.)

Supplies to be ordered (approximately $60):

  • Pre Series: Brush Set (4 brushes)
  • OAS Practice Roll (Small)
  • Chung Hwa Ink (100 ml)
  • Marie’s Chinese Watercolor Set.

All Students: Please prepare water containers: e.g. a container with 3 segments, or 3 cups; a palette for water colors; and a piece felt to protect your table and painting.

Son-Mey Chiu (ED.D. Harvard University; Chinese Master Emerita, Boston Latin School) is a professional Chinese painter. She had taught at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, the Decordova Museum, the Harvard Graduate School of Education and other New England institutions.

Start Date: 9/25/2024, 4 meetings
Class Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Day of Week: Wednesday
Location: LCE Classroom
Instructor: Son Mey Chiu
Status: Running/Openings