The Chinese Chan (Zen) tradition has always been renowned for its practice of “mind-to-mind transmission” and the continuous passing down of its teachings. Gilbert Gutierrez, known as Jing Jian Chuan Hui in Chinese, is one of the five immediate Lay Dharma heirs of Ven. Master Sheng Yen from Dharma Drum Mountain. He inherits the lineage of both the Caodong and Linji Zen schools. Among these five disciples, Gutierrez is the only Chan/Zen master who resides and teaches permanently in North America. Throughout his 53 years of dedicated Zen practice and over 40 years of teaching the Dharma, his guidance in meditation is vibrant and insightful. He skillfully imparts learning and experiential understanding of Chan (Zen) in a relaxed, approachable yet profound manner, blending everyday life situations with the great teachings of Zen masters. With his wholehearted dedication and wisdom, he strives to carry on the lineage and bring happiness to all beings. This Saturday session will include an introductory talk, seated and walking meditation, and time for questions.
This course is free, but pre-registration is required.