Feelings: Acknowledging, Accepting, Expressing


Course Code: MFAA-fa24 Categories: , Tags: ,


Do you struggle to be in touch with your feelings and/or to express them? Are you afraid of being vulnerable, or exploding in anger, inviting criticism or alienating another person? Join an experienced counselor and self-help author to learn about acknowledging, accepting, and processing your feelings, as well as exploring viable ways to express them when dealing with conflict. This is not a therapy group, but it will allow personal sharing in a safe, supportive atmosphere from the comfort of your own home.

Tracy Marks, M.A. is author of four books, translated into nine languages, and has won several poetry and creative writing awards. She is also an experienced counselor. Tracy has taught in continuing ed for 43 years and specializes in literature, creative writing and personal growth courses.

Start Date: 11/13/2024, 2 meetings
Class Time: 6:45 PM - 8:45 PM
Day of Week: Wednesday
Location: Zoom
Instructor: Tracy Marks
Status: Running/Openings