Since November, more than twenty million people have joined BlueSky, a relatively new, free social media platform in which consideration prevails and where you can totally customize the kinds of posts that you see and read. You can even share short poems, photographs and videos. Whether you have not yet registered or are a new member wanting to better navigate the site, this evening is for you. We’ll focus on the basics: customizing your experience, posting messages, using hashtags, choosing the feeds that you read, searching for people and messages, accessing starter packs, using likes, reply and chat, and following and unfollowing specific members. Even if you’ve avoided social media in the past, you are likely to find BlueSky appealing and even informative or inspiring.
Tracy Marks, M.A. is author of four books, translated into nine languages, and has won several poetry and creative writing awards. She is also an experienced counselor. Tracy has taught in continuing ed for 43 years and specializes in literature, creative writing and personal growth courses.