Rumi: Sufi Poetry of the Heart


Course Code: HRMI-fa24 Categories: , , Tags: ,


“Friend, there’s a window that opens from heart to heart,” the 13th century Sufi poet and sage wrote. “Love is the language and the universe is the book.” Together, we’ll read dozens of passages from Rumi’s bestselling, inspirational poetry and share the ways in which the beauty and wisdom of his words moves us. We’ll also learn about Rumi’s life, his beloved Shams, and the Sufi path. Finally, we’ll watch video clips of translator Coleman Barks’ musical recitations. A collection of Rumi’s writings will be provided.

Tracy Marks, M.A. is author of four books, translated into nine languages, and has won several poetry and creative writing awards. She is also an experienced counselor. Tracy has taught in continuing ed for 43 years and specializes in literature, creative writing and personal growth courses.

Start Date: 9/18/2024, 2 meetings
Class Time: 6:45 PM - 8:45 PM
Day of Week: Wednesday
Location: Zoom
Instructor: Tracy Marks
Status: Running/Openings