Tasting Teas from All Over


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Course Code: NTEA-fa24 Categories: , , Tag:


Tea is the most popular drink in the world (after water)–and its popularity keeps growing as more and more people discover its rich aromas and flavors, stimulating qualities, and healthful benefits. Indeed, tea has influenced cultures throughout the world: trade, customs, politics, technology, and arts and crafts beginning in China and into Japan, India, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. Like wine, there are hundreds of varietals of the tea plant (camellia sinensis), all with different tastes depending on climate, soil, and methods of curing and processing. We’ll sample at least seven fine loose-leaf teas, from China, India, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), and other producers. Sweet and savory snacks will complement the tastings. Bring one or two of your favorite tea cups or mugs..

Start Date: 11/21/2024, 1 meeting
Class Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Day of Week: Thursday
Location: Lexington High School, Room 143
Instructor: Paul Angiolillo
Status: Running/Openings