The Sleeping Beauty Problem


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Course Code: HSBP-fa24 Categories: , Tag:


In April of 2000 the philosophy journal, Analysis, published the article, Self-locating Belief and the Sleeping Beauty Problem. The paper’s author, Adam Elga, presented a riddle involving a math lab experiment, a fair coin toss and the consciousness of Sleeping Beauty. And in the quarter century since, Elga’s provocation inspired a torrent of opinion, over one hundred peer-reviewed articles either supporting his claims and argument or refuting them. Join us for a discussion of a mind-bending journey through an unresolved riddle that toys with the meaning of consciousness and cognition, time and dreams, and spills into ideas from world religion, nuclear physics and 5000 years of mathematical thought. The evening will be filled with optical illusions and simple riddles that speak to many issues generated by this paradoxical puzzle. Googling or Youtubing, “The Sleeping Beauty Problem” will generate many sites to find out what the riddle is about and to explore what other people think about its answer. Particularly worthwhile to peruse before the discussion is Elga’s short paper from Analysis: https:// sleeping/sleeping.pdf

Start Date: 10/22/2024, 1 meeting
Class Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Day of Week: Tuesday
Location: Lexington High School Room 242
Instructor: Mike Gefers
Status: Running/Openings