How would you like to read numerous selections from the Odyssey, with a much greater understanding of its relevant meaning and symbolism than you had in secondary school? In this class, we’ll take a multidimensional approach – focusing on story and characters, learning about the mythical and historical context, exploring psychological significance, and watching a few scenes from the excellent Armand Assante mini-series. Our discussions will become particularly relevant as we discuss supplemental material from Jonathan Shay’s Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming, as well as Jean Houston’s The Hero and the Goddess: The Odyssey as a Pathway to Personal Transformation. Please obtain the Fagles, Fitzgerald or Wilson translation and read the first chapter (book) by the first class.
Tracy Marks, M.A. is author of four books, translated into nine languages, and has won several poetry and creative writing awards. She is also an experienced counselor. Tracy has taught in continuing ed for 43 years and specializes in literature, creative writing and personal growth courses.