In this discussion-based course, we will explore 20th-century poetry, guided by the poems that move us personally. Each participant is invited to bring a poem from the 20th century that provokes thought, stirs emotion, or lingers—to share and discuss with fellow poetry readers.
Together, we will read these poems aloud, examine how they work, and consider their place within literary and historical contexts. We will also engage with selections from Matthew Zapruder’s Why Poetry, a book that explores how “to experience and feel and understand in ways that only poetry can conjure.” Whether you are a lifelong reader of poetry or curious about its possibilities, this course offers a space toread, reflect, and discover the wide range of modern poetry.
Barbara Thimm is a writer, translator, and educator. Her translations of selected poems by Timothy Donnelly and Mary Jo Bang were published by luxbooks in Germany. “A Discovery Behind the House,” the translation of a short story by Ror Wolf, appeared in Asymptote. She lives in Cambridge with her husband and two sons.