Wednesday | 5/7/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, Spring | Hydrangea and Lilac in The Chinese Brush Style | 1:00 PM | Son Mey Chiu | $85.00 – $100.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts spring |
Wednesday | 4/30/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Japanese, Winter Class | Japanese for Travelers III (Intermediate) | 7:00 pm | Amy Franks | $185.00 – $200.00 | | esl-languages japanese winter-class |
Wednesday | 5/14/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Spring | Corporate Career Coaching: Get Ready for Success in the Workplace - May | 6:00 pm | Savvy Kartham | $35.00 | | business-career-finance spring |
Wednesday | 4/30/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Spring | Corporate Career Coaching: Get Ready for Success in the Workplace - April | 6:00 pm | Savvy Kartham | $35.00 | | business-career-finance spring |
Saturday | 5/10/2025 | MIND & BODY, Spring | Art of Living: Chocolate and Meditation | 11:00 am | Vinita Deodhar and Uma Viswanath | $20.00 | | mind-body spring |
Wednesday | 4/16/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Italian, Spring | Beginning Italian | 11:00 am | Barry Bridgelal | $200.00 | | esl-languages italian spring |
Tuesday | 7/8/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Italian, SUMMER | Italian 2 - Summer | 11:00 am | Barry Bridgelal | $200.00 | | esl-languages italian summer |
Monday | 4/7/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Italian, Spring | Italian 2 - Monday | 6:30 pm | Barry Bridgelal | $200.00 | | esl-languages italian spring |
Thursday | 4/3/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Italian, Spring | Italian 2 - Thursday | 11:00 am | Barry Bridgelal | $250.00 | | esl-languages italian spring |
Tuesday | 07/08/25 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Italian, SUMMER | Italian Intermediate | 11:00 am | Barry Bridgelal | $200.00 | | esl-languages italian summer |
Wednesday | 4/9/25 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Portuguese, Spring | Intermediate Brazilian Portuguese | 7:00 pm | Cristiane Arruda Dalla Torre | $165.00 – $180.00 | | esl-languages portuguese spring |
Thursday | 4/10/25 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Portuguese, Spring | Brazilian Portuguese | 7:00 pm | Cristiane Arruda Dalla Torre | $165.00 – $180.00 | | esl-languages portuguese spring |
Friday | 5/2/25 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Spanish, Spring | La Hora del Café, Conversación Abierta en Español | 10:00 AM | Ric Calleja | $165.00 – $180.00 | | esl-languages spanish spring |
Wednesday | 4/9/25 | Spanish, Spring | Spanish Conversation: Culinary Culture of Latin America | 5:30 PM | Emilia Montero | $165.00 – $180.00 | | spanish spring esl-languages |
Tuesday | 7/8/25 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Spanish, SUMMER | Beyond Intermediate Spanish | 6:30 PM | Sherry Eggers | $145.00 – $160.00 | | esl-languages spanish summer |
Monday | 4/7/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, French, Spring | Beginner French I | 4:30 pm | Maurice Bombrun | $225.00 | | esl-languages french spring |
Friday | 4/11/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, French, Spring | Beginner French II | 9:30 AM | Maurice Bombrun | $225.00 | | esl-languages french spring |
Thursday | 4/10/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, French, Spring | Beginner II/ Intermediate French - Thursday Evenings | 7:00 pm | Maurice Bombrun | $225.00 | | esl-languages french spring |
Tuesday | 4/8/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, French, Spring, Winter Class | Beginner II/ Intermediate French - Tuesday Evenings | 7:00 pm | Maurice Bombrun | $225.00 | | esl-languages french spring winter-class |
Tuesday | 4/8/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, French, Spring | Intermediate French I | 11:00 am | Maurice Bombrun | $225.00 | | esl-languages french spring |
Thursday | 4/10/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, French, Spring | Intermediate French II | 1:00 pm | Maurice Bombrun | $225.00 | | esl-languages french spring |
Wednesday | 4/9/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, French, Spring | French Conversational Workshop - Wednesday Evenings | 7:00 pm | Maurice Bombrun | $225.00 | | esl-languages french spring |
Thursday | 4/10/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, French, Spring | French Conversational Workshop - Thursday Mornings | 9:30 am | Maurice Bombrun | $225.00 | | esl-languages french spring |
Thursday | 4/10/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, French, Spring | French Conversation Through Literature | 3:30 pm | Maurice Bombrun | $225.00 | | esl-languages french spring |
Tuesday | 4/8/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, French, Spring | French Conversation Through Travel | 9:00 am | Maurice Bombrun | $225.00 | | esl-languages french spring |
Tuesday | 4/8/25 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Spanish, Spring | Intermediate Spanish | 6:30 PM | Sherry Eggers | $145.00 – $160.00 | | esl-languages spanish spring |
Wednesday | 4/9/25 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Spanish, Spring | Continuing Spanish | 5:00 pm | Angelica Fajardo | $140.00 – $155.00 | | esl-languages spanish spring |
Monday | 4/7/25 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Spanish, Spring | Beginning Spanish | 5:00 pm | Angelica Fajardo | $140.00 – $155.00 | | esl-languages spanish spring |
Thursday | 5/1/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Japanese, Spring | Japanese for Travelers (and Would-Be Travelers) | 7:00 pm | Amy Franks | $165.00 – $180.00 | | esl-languages japanese spring |
Monday | 6/23/25 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Mandarin, SUMMER | Beginning Mandarin for Adults (Summer) | 9:00 am | Hongxiang Wang | $115.00 – $130.00 | | esl-languages mandarin summer |
Monday | 4/7/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Mandarin, Spring | Beginning Mandarin for Adults (Spring) | 9:00 am | Hongxiang Wang | $140.00 – $155.00 | | esl-languages mandarin spring |
Wednesday | 3/26/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, Spring, Swedish | Advanced Beginner Swedish | 5:00 pm | Cecilia Franzel | $140.00 – $155.00 | | esl-languages spring swedish |
Tuesday | 4/8/2025 | English, ESL/LANGUAGES, Spring | Beginner English - Level 1 | 5:30 pm | Rosemary Previte | $165.00 – $180.00 | | english esl-languages spring |
Thursday | 4/10/2025 | English, ESL/LANGUAGES, Spring | Evening English - Level 3 | 6:00 PM | Rosemary Previte | $165.00 – $180.00 | | english esl-languages spring |
Wednesday | 4/30/2025 | English, ESL/LANGUAGES, Spring | Communicating in English | 10:00 AM | Ric Calleja | $165.00 – $180.00 | | english esl-languages spring |
Tuesday | 5/13/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, Spring | Basket Weaving: Flag Basket | 6:00 pm | Jennifer Weller-Dorfman | $30.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts spring |
Monday | 4/14/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, Spring | Experiments in Wet-Felting | 1:00 PM | Elizabeth Stubbs | $175.00 – $190.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts spring |
Tuesday | 6/10/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, Spring | Pysanky Art Club: Explore Natural Dyers (Mulberries) | 5:30 PM | Alona Popova | $30.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts spring |
Wednesday | 5/21/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, Spring | Pysanky Art Club: Explore Natural Dyers (Flowers) | 5:30 PM | Alona Popova | $30.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts spring |
Thursday | 4/17/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, Spring | Let’s Make Pysanky: Combine Traditional and Drop Pull Methods | 5:30 PM | Alona Popova | $30.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts spring |
Thursday | 5/1/2025 | PARENTING PERSPECTIVES, Spring | Building Confidence and Competence: Strategies for Fostering Children’s Self-Esteem | 7:00 PM | Susan Krupp, MS.Ed. | $65.00 – $95.00 | | parenting-perspectives spring |
Wednesday | 4/9/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, French, Spring | French Language and Conversation Through Film - Wednesday Evenings | 7:00 PM | Karen Girondel | $140.00 – $155.00 | | esl-languages french spring |
Tuesday | 4/8/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, French, Spring | French Language and Conversation Through Film - Tuesday Mornings | 10:00 AM | Karen Girondel | $140.00 – $155.00 | | esl-languages french spring |
Wednesday | 4/9/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, German, Spring | Beginning German: For New & Continuing Students | 5:00 PM | Karen Carstens | $130.00 – $140.00 | | esl-languages german spring |
Thursday | 4/10/2025 | ESL/LANGUAGES, German, Spring | German Conversation | 10:00 AM | Karen Carstens | $165.00 – $180.00 | | esl-languages german spring |
Saturday | 5/3/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring, Weekend Classes & Events | Saturday Tai Chi: Balance, Health, & Inner Peace | 9:30 am | Zhantao Lin from New Legacy Cultural Center | $170.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring weekend-classes-events |
Tuesday | 4/8/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Intermediate 2/3 Tai Chi and 8 Pieces of Brocade | 5:00 pm | Lai Chan | $165.00 – $180.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring |
Tuesday | 4/8/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Intro to Tai Chi & Eight Pieces of Brocade | 6:00 pm | Lai Chan | $165.00 – $180.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring |
Thursday | 4/3/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Advanced Tai Chi with Push-hands | 5:15 pm | Virginia Payne | $180.00 – $195.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring |
Thursday | 4/3/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Advanced Tai Chi (Without Push-hands) | 5:15 pm | Virginia Payne | $165.00 – $180.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring |
Friday | 7/11/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, SUMMER | Joyful Yoga - Summer | 10:00 am | Linda Del Monte | $55.00 – $65.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body summer |
Friday | 4/4/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Joyful Yoga - Spring | 10:00 am | Linda Del Monte | $225.00 – $240.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring |
Saturday | 4/19/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring, Weekend Classes & Events | Chair Yoga | 10:00 AM | Asha Ramesh | $120.00 – $135.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring weekend-classes-events |
Monday | 4/14/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Hatha Yoga - Mondays | 6:00 PM | Asha Ramesh | $120.00 – $135.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring |
Wednesday | 4/16/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Hatha Yoga - Wednesdays Virtual | 6:00 PM | Asha Ramesh | $120.00 – $135.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring |
Tuesday | 4/8/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Gentle Yoga and Yoga for Osteoporosis | 11:00 AM | Mary Wixted | $210.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring |
Tuesday | 4/8/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Iyengar Yoga | 9:15 AM | Mary Wixted | $210.00 – $225.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring |
Wednesday | 5/7/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, Spring | Power 8: Strength Training for Your Health | 6:00 PM | John Deming | $70.00 | | exercise-dance spring |
Monday | 4/7/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Argentine Tango | 6:30 pm | Laura Grandi | $165.00 – $180.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring |
Monday | 4/14/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, Spring | Line Dance Mix | 6:30 pm | Carolisa of Moonlight Dj's | $75.00 | | exercise-dance spring |
Saturday | 5/3/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Beginner Dance Program: Dance for Fitness & Fun | 10:25 AM | New Legacy Cultural Center Teaching Staff | $170.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring |
Wednesday | 4/9/2025 | MUSIC PERFORMANCE / THEATRE ARTS, Spring | Basic Blues: Guitar Jam | 7:00 pm | R.L. Hegarty | $85.00 – $95.00 | | music-performance spring |
Thursday | 4/3/2025 | PARENTING PERSPECTIVES, Spring | Getting Children to Listen: Communication Strategies That Work | 7:00 PM | Susan Krupp, MS.Ed. | $65.00 – $95.00 | | parenting-perspectives spring |
Friday | 7/11/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, SUMMER | Soft & Oil Pastel Painting for Adults (Summer) | 3:30 PM | Alma Bella Solis | $200.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts summer |
Friday | 4/11/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, Spring | Soft & Oil Pastel Painting for Adults (Spring) | 3:30 PM | Alma Bella Solis | $200.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts spring |
Monday | 4/7/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, Spring | Watercolor Painting | 6:00 PM | Ivan Orlinsky | $85.00 – $100.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts spring |
Thursday | 7/17/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, SUMMER | Beyond the Basics in Acrylic Painting - Summer | 10:00 AM | Donna Calleja | $140.00 – $155.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts summer |
Thursday | 4/17/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, Spring | Beyond the Basics in Acrylic Painting - Afternoon Session | 1:00 pm | Donna Calleja | $140.00 – $155.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts spring |
Thursday | 4/17/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, Spring | Beyond the Basics in Acrylic Painting - Morning Session | 10:00 AM | Donna Calleja | $140.00 – $155.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts spring |
Tuesday | 4/15/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, Spring | Introduction to Acrylic Painting | 10:00 AM | Donna Calleja | $140.00 – $155.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts spring |
Thursday | 5/1/2025 | HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | Residential Addition 101 | 6:00 PM | Nancy Dickinson | $40.00 | | family-home-travel spring |
Wednesday | 7/9/2025 | HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, SUMMER | Auto Repair for Everyone - Summer | 11:00 am | Bruce Gerry | $65.00 | | family-home-travel summer |
Wednesday | 5/7/2025 | HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | Auto Repair for Everyone - Spring | 6:00 PM | Bruce Gerry | $65.00 | | family-home-travel spring |
Sunday | 5/18/2025 | HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Outdoor Walking Tour, Spring, Weekend Classes & Events | Off-the-Beaten-Path Hikes: The Jericho Town Forest in Weston | 11:30 pm | Gregory Leschishin | $35.00 | | family-home-travel outdoor-walking-tour spring weekend-classes-events |
Tuesday | 4/29/2025 | HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | Planning Your European Vacation | 6:00 pm | Wim Nijenberg | $30.00 | | family-home-travel spring |
Tuesday | 5/6/2025 | History, HUMANITIES, Spring | Before the 1960s – Civil Rights Advocates Before MLK | 7:00 pm | Mark Andersen, Ph.D. | $80.00 – $90.00 | | history humanities spring |
Thursday | 4/10/2025 | HUMANITIES, Literature, Spring | Shakespeare’s Henry V | 12:00 pm | Cammy Thomas | $100.00 – $110.00 | | humanities literature spring |
Thursday | 5/29/2025 | HUMANITIES, Science, Spring | Science in Ancient Greece | 6:30pm | Pedro Lilienfeld | $55.00 – $65.00 | | humanities science spring |
Thursday | 4/10/2025 | HUMANITIES, Spring | A Historical Introduction to the Gospels | 6:30 pm | Lenny Prado | $140.00 – $155.00 | | humanities spring |
Thursday | 7/10/2025 | HUMANITIES, Spring, SUMMER | A Historical Introduction to Paul and His Letters | 6:30 pm | Lenny Prado | $140.00 – $155.00 | | humanities spring summer |
Tuesday | 5/6/2025 | HUMANITIES, Literature, Spring, WRITING | Poems That Speak to Us: What Makes a Poem Resonate? | 6:30 PM | Barbara Thimm | $80.00 – $95.00 | | humanities literature spring writing |
Tuesday | 4/8/2025 | AROUND TOWN, COOKING, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | A Culinary Tour of H-Mart and Cooking Class | 6:00 pm | Debra Samuels | $55.00 – $65.00 | | around-town cooking family-home-travel spring |
Tuesday | 8/12/2025 | COOKING, Spring | Hand-Pulled Noodles from Scratch | 6:30 pm | Ploy Khunisorn | $70.00 | | cooking spring |
Tuesday | 7/22/2025 | COOKING, Spring | Sushi for Beginners | 6:30 pm | Ploy Khunisorn | $70.00 | | cooking spring |
Saturday | 5/3/2025 | COOKING, Spring | Crystal Dumplings from Scratch | 11:00 am | Ploy Khunisorn | $45.00 | | cooking spring |
Thursday | 6/12/2025 | COOKING, Spring | Burmese Egg Noodle Curry with Chicken | 6:30 pm | Ploy Khunisorn | $70.00 | | cooking spring |
Thursday | 4/24/2025 | COOKING, Spring | Japanese Chicken Miso Ramen | 6:30 pm | Ploy Khunisorn | $70.00 | | cooking spring |
Friday | 5/23/2025 | HUMANITIES, Literature, Spring | Celebrating Older Women in Fiction | 12:30 pm | Tracy Marks | $105.00 – $120.00 | | humanities literature spring |
Wednesday | 4/30/2025 | HUMANITIES, Poetics & Poetry, Spring | The Poetry of Adrienne Rich and Marge Piercy: Redefining Womanhood | 6:45 pm | Tracy Marks | $80.00 – $90.00 | | humanities poetics-poetry spring |
Wednesday | 6/4/2025 | HUMANITIES, Poetics & Poetry, Spring | Poems of Nature and Ecology | 6:45 pm | Tracy Marks | $55.00 – $65.00 | | humanities poetics-poetry spring |
Wednesday | 5/21/2025 | HUMANITIES, Poetics & Poetry, Spring | Favorite Poems | 6:45 pm | Tracy Marks | $20.00 – $25.00 | | humanities poetics-poetry spring |
Friday | 4/11/2025 | HUMANITIES, Literature, Spring | The Odyssey: Journeying With Homer | 12:30 pm | Tracy Marks | $105.00 – $120.00 | | humanities literature spring |
Wednesday | 7/9/2025 | HUMANITIES, Literature, SUMMER | Exploring Greek Mythology: Ovid’s Metamorphoses | 6:45 pm | Tracy Marks | $125.00 – $140.00 | | humanities literature summer |
Friday | 7/11/2025 | HUMANITIES, Literature, SUMMER | Ursula K. Le Guin: Worlds of Exile and Illusion | 12:30 pm | Tracy Marks | $105.00 – $120.00 | | humanities literature summer |
Wednesday | 8/13/2025 | HUMANITIES, Literature, SUMMER | Self-Discovery Through Fairy Tales | 6:45 pm | Tracy Marks | $55.00 – $65.00 | | humanities literature summer |
Thursday | 8/28/2025 | HUMANITIES, Poetics & Poetry, SUMMER | The Poetry of Billy Collins | 6:45 pm | Tracy Marks | $20.00 – $25.00 | | humanities poetics-poetry summer |
Saturday | 5/10/2025 | MIND & BODY, Spring | Chan/Zen 101: An Introduction to Meditation Practice | 9:30 am | Gilbert Gutierrez | $0.00 | | mind-body spring |
Thursday | 7/10/2025 | MIND & BODY, SUMMER | Stress Less: Learn to Meditate (Summer) | 10:00 Am | Richard Geller | $55.00 – $70.00 | | mind-body summer |
Thursday | 5/1/2025 | MIND & BODY, Spring | Stress Less: Learn to Meditate (Spring) | 7:00 PM | Richard Geller | $55.00 – $70.00 | | mind-body spring |
Saturday | 4/12/2025 | MIND & BODY, Spring | Art of Living: Mind, Moods, and Mediation | 11:00 am | Vinita Deodhar and Uma Viswanath | $20.00 | | mind-body spring |
Saturday | 6/7/2025 | MIND & BODY, Spring | Art of Living: Sound Bath Meditation | 11:00 am | Vinita Deodhar and Uma Viswanath | $20.00 | | mind-body spring |
Saturday | 5/3/2025 | MIND & BODY, NLCC/LCE Collaboration Classes for Kids, Spring | Traditional Chinese Dietary Therapy: An Easy-to-Understand Approach to Learning Principles of Preservation | 9:00 am | NLCC Teaching Staff | $140.00 | | mind-body nlcc-lce-collaboration-classes-for-kids spring classes-for-children |
Thursday | 5/1/2025 | MIND & BODY, MUSIC APPRECIATION, Spring | The Alexander Technique | 7:00 PM | Ariadna Kryazheva | $60.00 – $75.00 | | mind-body music-appreciation spring |
Saturday | 5/17/2025 | MIND & BODY, Spring | Breathing: Your Best Medicine | 11:00 am | Lisa Jones | $30.00 – $35.00 | | mind-body spring |
Thursday | 5/22/2025 | MIND & BODY, Spring | Reiki for Self Care | 6:00 pm | Carol Neal | $30.00 | | mind-body spring |
Thursday | 6/12/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Adult, Infant & Child CPR with AED - June 12 | 6:00 pm | Kierstin Pane | $109.00 | | business-career-finance mind-body spring |
Thursday | 5/1/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Adult, Infant & Child CPR with AED - May 1 | 6:00 pm | Kierstin Pane | $109.00 | | business-career-finance mind-body spring |
Wednesday | 4/2/2025 | HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, MIND & BODY, Spring | Self-Defense & Awareness Training for Women | 6:30 pm | Charles Crayton | $185.00 | | family-home-travel mind-body spring |
Thursday | 5/15/2025 | MIND & BODY, Spring | Decompress Your Stress with Laughter | 7:00 PM | Linda and Bill HAmaker | $25.00 | | mind-body spring |
Tuesday | 4/8/2025 | MUSIC APPRECIATION, Spring | Introduction to Music Theory: The Elements of Music | 7:30 PM | Max Rydqvist | $185.00 – $200.00 | | music-appreciation spring |
Tuesday | 4/29/2025 | HUMANITIES, MUSIC APPRECIATION, Spring | Why Was That a Hit? Pop Music: 1950s-1980s | 6:30 PM | Gregory Leschishin | $100.00 | | humanities music-appreciation spring |
Tuesday | 4/22/2025 | HUMANITIES, MUSIC APPRECIATION, Spring | Family Problems – Power and Love at the Opera | 6:30 pm | David Collins | $105.00 – $120.00 | | humanities music-appreciation spring |
Tuesday | 4/29/2025 | MUSIC PERFORMANCE / THEATRE ARTS, Spring | Baroque Ensemble | 7:30 PM | Shant Arakelian | $180.00 – $200.00 | | music-performance spring |
Thursday | 5/1/2025 | MUSIC PERFORMANCE / THEATRE ARTS, Spring | Instrumental Camerata for Adults | 7:30 PM | Shant Arakelian | $165.00 – $180.00 | | music-performance spring |
Tuesday | 4/29/2025 | COMPUTERS, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | AI Made Easy: A Practical Approach to This Fast-Growing Tool | 6:30 pm | Kim McCormick & The AI Collective Team | $135.00 | | computers family-home-travel spring |
Thursday | 5/15/2025 | COOKING, Spanish, Spring | Exploring the Spanish Language Through Venezuelan Cuisine (May) | 5:30 PM | Emilia Montero | $45.00 | | cooking spanish spring esl-languages |
Wednesday | 4/30/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring, TEST PREPARATION & COLLEGE PLANNING | You Can Afford College if... (April) | 6:30 PM | Donald Anderson | $25.00 | | business-career-finance family-home-travel spring test-preparation-college-planning |
Wednesday | 4/9/2025 | Poetics & Poetry, Spring, WRITING | Poetry Writing Workshop | 6:30 PM | Tom Daley | $210.00 – $225.00 | | poetics-poetry spring writing humanities |
Friday | 4/11/2025 | Spring, WRITING | Daytime Memoir Workshop | 12:30 PM | Thomas Daley | $180.00 – $195.00 | | spring writing |
Wednesday | 4/30/2025 | Spring, WRITING | Memoir Writing | 4:00 PM | Tom Daley | $210.00 – $225.00 | | spring writing |
Saturday | 5/17/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Spring | Unlock Your Career Potential: Stand Out & Land Your Dream Role | 9:00 AM | Judith Kittredge and Alida Zweidler-McKay | $40.00 | | business-career-finance spring |
Wednesday | 4/16/2025 | COMPUTERS, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | Smartphone & Tablet 101 | 6:00 PM | Kristen Butler | $45.00 | | computers family-home-travel spring |
Wednesday | 4/30/2025 | COMPUTERS, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | Exploring Apps: Both Practical and Fun | 6:00 PM | Kristen Butler | $45.00 | | computers family-home-travel spring |
Wednesday | 5/7/2025 | COMPUTERS, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | Cutting the Cord: How to Get Rid of Cable | 6:00 PM | Kristen Butler | $45.00 | | computers family-home-travel spring |
Wednesday | 5/14/2025 | COMPUTERS, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | Staying Safe Online | 6:00 PM | Kristen Butler | $45.00 | | computers family-home-travel spring |
Wednesday | 5/21/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, COMPUTERS, Spring | Intro to LinkedIn | 6:00 PM | Kristen Butler | $45.00 | | business-career-finance computers spring |
Wednesday | 6/4/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, COMPUTERS, Spring | Back Up Your Devices | 6:00 PM | Kristen Butler | $45.00 | | business-career-finance computers spring |
Wednesday | 6/11/2025 | COMPUTERS, Spring | Managing Your Photos | 6:00 PM | Kristen Butler | $45.00 | | computers spring |
Tuesday | 6/3/2025 | COMPUTERS, Spring | Mastering Gmail | 6:45 pm | Tracy Marks | $55.00 – $65.00 | | computers spring |
Thursday | 5/8/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, COMPUTERS, Spring | Introducing Blue Sky: A Benign Social Network | 6:30 pm | Tracy Marks | $20.00 – $25.00 | | business-career-finance computers spring |
Wednesday | 4/9/2025 | Spring, WRITING | Introduction to Screenwriting for Film and Television | 6:00 pm | Douglas Folsom | $165.00 – $180.00 | | spring writing |
Thursday | 4/10/2025 | Spring, WRITING | Creative Writing from Social Conscience | 6:45 pm | Tracy Marks | $80.00 – $90.00 | | spring writing |
Thursday | 7/10/2025 | SUMMER, WRITING | Journal Writing for Personal Growth | 6:45 PM | Tracy Marks | $105.00 – $120.00 | | summer writing |
Wednesday | 4/9/2025 | Spring, WRITING | Grammar Rules You Wish You Learned | 6:45 pm | Tracy Marks | $55.00 – $65.00 | | spring writing |
Thursday | 8/7/2025 | SUMMER, WRITING | Writing the Very Short Poem: For Poets and Non-Poets | 6:45 pm | Tracy Marks | $80.00 – $90.00 | | summer writing |
Tuesday | 8/12/2025 | SUMMER, WRITING | Writing About Nature | 6:45 pm | Tracy Marks | $55.00 – $65.00 | | summer writing |
Monday | 4/7/2025 | Spring, WRITING | Coffee Time Writing Workshop Club | 11:00 am | Danielle Monroe | $165.00 – $180.00 | | spring writing |
Tuesday | 4/29/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | Retire Wisely | 6:30 PM | Charles Waehler, Ph.D | $105.00 – $120.00 | | business-career-finance family-home-travel spring |
Tuesday | 7/22/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Spring | Empowered Divorce: Taking the Path That’s Best for You and Your Family - July 22 | 12:00 pm | Joan Mankoff | $35.00 | | business-career-finance spring |
Wednesday | 7/16/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, SUMMER | Empowered Divorce: Taking the Path That’s Best for You and Your Family - July 16 | 7:00 pm | Joan Mankoff | $35.00 | | business-career-finance summer |
Wednesday | 5/7/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Spring | Empowered Divorce: Taking the Path That’s Best for You and Your Family - May 7 | 7:00 pm | Joan Mankoff | $35.00 | | business-career-finance spring |
Wednesday | 4/30/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Spring | Empowered Divorce: Taking the Path That’s Best for You and Your Family - April 30 | 12:00 pm | Joan Mankoff | $35.00 | | business-career-finance spring |
Tuesday | 4/8/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Spring | Empowered Divorce: Taking the Path That’s Best for You and Your Family - April 8 | 7:00 pm | Joan Mankoff | $35.00 | | business-career-finance spring |
Saturday | 7/12/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, SUMMER | What’s a Wealthy Life for You? - Summer | 10:00 am | Rohit Sakhuja | $60.00 | | business-career-finance summer |
Saturday | 4/12/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Spring | What’s a Wealthy Life for You? - Spring | 10:00 am | Rohit Sakhuja | $60.00 | | business-career-finance spring |
Wednesday | 5/7/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Spring | How to Recreate Your Paycheck in Retirement | 6:00 pm | Sammy Azzouz | $40.00 | | business-career-finance spring |
Wednesday | 4/16/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Spring | Social Security Planning for Couples - April 16 | 6:00 pm | Matt Carron | $40.00 | | business-career-finance spring |
Wednesday | 4/30/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Spring | The Latest Long-Term Care Asset Protection Strategies - April 30 | 7:00 PM | Dan Williams | $35.00 | | business-career-finance spring |
Wednesday | 4/9/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | Understanding Medicare - April 9 | 7:00 PM | Dan Williams | $35.00 | | business-career-finance family-home-travel spring |
Wednesday | 5/21/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | Wills, Trusts, and Estate Plans - Everything You Need to Know | 7:00 PM | Rebecca O'Brien | $35.00 | | business-career-finance family-home-travel spring |
Thursday | 4/24/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Fall Classes, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | The Process of Selling a Home | 6:30 PM | Jeremy Richman | $25.00 – $30.00 | | business-career-finance fall-classes family-home-travel spring |
Thursday | 4/17/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Spring | The Process of Purchasing a Home | 6:30 PM | Jeremy Richman | $25.00 – $30.00 | | business-career-finance family-home-travel spring |
Tuesday | 5/13/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Spring | How to Build a Portfolio to Last a Lifetime | 7:00 PM | Glenn Frank | $35.00 | | business-career-finance spring |
Tuesday | 5/6/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Spring | Do It Yourself or Financial Advisor? | 7:00 PM | Glenn Frank | $35.00 | | business-career-finance spring |
Wednesday | 5/28/2025 | AROUND TOWN, CLASSES FOR CHILDREN, CREATING COMMUNITY, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, PARENTING PERSPECTIVES, Spring | Home Alone | 5:30 pm | Lexington Police Department | $5.00 | | around-town classes-for-children creating-community family-home-travel parenting-perspectives spring |
Thursday | 5/22/2025 | AROUND TOWN, CREATING COMMUNITY, Spring | Teaching Your Own Community Education Class | 7:00 PM | Karen Girondel & Craig Hall | $0.00 | | around-town creating-community spring |
Monday | 4/7/2025 | EXERCISE & DANCE, MIND & BODY, Spring | Zumba® | 7:00 PM | Ami Stix | $180.00 – $195.00 | | exercise-dance mind-body spring |
Thursday | 5/15/25 | SPECIAL EVENTS, Winter Class | Learning, Leaning, Loving: Increasing Support & Ending Stigma Around Mental Health | 7:00 pm | JJ Long | $15.00 | | special-events winter-class |
Wednesday | 3/12/2025 | COMPUTERS, Winter Class | Managing Your Photos | 6:00 PM | Kristen Butler | $45.00 | | computers winter-class |
Thursday | 3/27/2025 | HUMANITIES, Poetics & Poetry, slider, SPECIAL EVENTS, WRITING | Brilliance & Beauty: The Poetry of Edna St. Vincent Millay WITH STEPHEN COLLINS | 7:00 PM | Stephen Collins | $25.00 | | humanities poetics-poetry slider special-events writing |
Friday | 3/7/2025 | HUMANITIES, Literature, Winter Class | Don Quixote: Madman or Visionary? | 12:30 pm | Tracy Marks | $150.00 – $165.00 | | humanities literature winter-class |
Thursday | 3/13/2025 | HUMANITIES, Winter Class | God, Adam, Eve and Judas: The Gnostic Perspective | 6:30 pm | Tracy Marks | $55.00 – $65.00 | | humanities winter-class |
Sunday | 3/16/2025 | HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Outdoor Walking Tour, Weekend Classes & Events, Winter Class | Off the Beaten Path Hikes: Henry David Thoreau’s Birthplace | 11:30 pm | Gregory Leschishin | $39.00 | | family-home-travel outdoor-walking-tour weekend-classes-events winter-class |
Sunday | 3/9/2025 | HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Outdoor Walking Tour, Weekend Classes & Events, Winter Class | Off the Beaten Path Hikes: Great Brook Park in Carlisle | 11:30 pm | Gregory Leschishin | $39.00 | | family-home-travel outdoor-walking-tour weekend-classes-events winter-class |
Thursday | 3/20/2025 | HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Winter Class | Planning Your European Vacation | 7:00 PM | Wim Nijenberg | $30.00 | | family-home-travel winter-class |
Thursday | 3/20/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, MIND & BODY, Winter Class | Adult, Infant & Child CPR with AED - March 20 | 6:00 pm | Kierstin Pane | $109.00 | | business-career-finance mind-body winter-class |
Tuesday | 4/8/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, Winter Class | Pysanky Art Club – Hanging Decorations | 5:30 PM | Alona Popova | $30.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts winter-class |
Wednesday | 3/26/2025 | FINE, FABRIC & GRAPHIC ARTS, Winter Class | Pysanky Art Club – Tie-Dye Egg | 5:30 PM | Alona Popova | $30.00 | | fine-fabric-graphic-arts winter-class |
Monday | 3/10/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, TEST PREPARATION & COLLEGE PLANNING, Winter Class | You Can Afford College if... | 6:30 PM | Donald Anderson | $25.00 | | business-career-finance family-home-travel test-preparation-college-planning winter-class |
Thursday | 3/27/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Winter Class | Social Security Planning for Couples - March 27 | 6:00 pm | Matt Carron | $40.00 | | business-career-finance winter-class |
Wednesday | 3/19/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, Winter Class | The Latest Long-Term Care Asset Protection Strategies - March 19 | 7:00 PM | Dan Williams | $35.00 | | business-career-finance winter-class |
Thursday | 4/3/2025 | COOKING, Spanish, Winter Class | Exploring the Spanish Language Through Venezuelan Cuisine | 5:30 PM | Emilia Montero | $45.00 | | cooking spanish winter-class esl-languages |
Tuesday | 3/25/2025 | BUSINESS, CAREER & FINANCE, HOME, HOBBIES & TRAVEL, Winter Class | Wills, Trusts, and Estate Plans - Everything You Need to Know | 7:00 PM | Rebecca O'Brien | $35.00 | | business-career-finance family-home-travel winter-class |
Tuesday | 3/18/2025 | AROUND TOWN, History, Winter Class | 1775 | 7:00 pm | Ginni Roberts Cahill | $10.00 | | around-town history winter-class humanities |
Thursday | | COMPUTERS | Computer Consulting "A la Carte" | | Kristen Butler | $240.00 | | computers |