Japanese for Travelers III (Intermediate)


Course Code: LJIT-sp25 Categories: , , Tags: ,


This course is designed for those who have taken the Japanese For Travelers Intermediate Course(or for those who have a basic understanding of simple Japanese expressions and grammar), and who want to further develop speaking, listening, and reading skills in the context of everyday interactions with native Japanese speakers while traveling. In addition to the topics first introduced in the previous class, topics for this course include talking about oneself (and asking questions about others), engaging in dialogues, learning and utilizing more complex grammatical patterns, and further developing listening and reading skills.

Textbook: Japanese For Busy People

Please note this class meets 2.5 hours/week (1.5 hours in-person, 1 hour Zoom session) The night of the week for the Zoom session will be decided at the first class based on the student’s schedules.

Start Date: 4/30/2025, 8 meetings
Class Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Day of Week: Wednesday
Location: Lexington High School Room 234
Instructor: Amy Franks
Status: Running/Openings