Write Your College Essays with Less Stress & More Success! (July 9)


6 in stock


Admissions officers read hundreds of applications — make sure yours stands out! This class will help you write your college essays with less stress and more success. Instructors will provide guidance through brainstorming, freewriting and individual feedback. With in-class writing sessions and homework, coupled with timely feedback for revisions, you will learn to craft essays that memorably introduce you. Depending on need, we can focus on the personal essay or supplementals. Whether you have begun writing but are now stuck or you’ve yet
to begin, we can help you create winning college essays!

Join a small group of students for four 2-hour midday sessions (10:30 to 12:30) and then follow that up with two more individualized rounds of written feedback on drafts and two private online coaching sessions (20 minutes per session). Allowing days off between group sessions works well for students, giving you more time to write independently between sessions and lessening the stress for all involved.

Bruce Johnson has a doctoral degree from Harvard, taught in the Department of Education at Bogazici University for 12 years and recently retired from Tufts University near Boston. He has many years of firsthand undergraduate and graduate admissions committee experience.

This class will start on 7/9 and meets 7/10, 7/14, 7/21, and two scheduled private sessions.

Start Date: 7/9/25, 6 meetings
Class Time: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Day of Week: Thursday
Location: Zoom
Instructor: Bruce Johnson
Status: Running/Openings